Safety Committee Meeting
0900 hrs
Committee members present:
Major J. Gosper
Major C. Bonta
Capt. J. Walton
Bat. Chief K. Chilton
FF. C. Warren
Absent members:
Major D. Boyd
FF. J. Trautwein
Others attending meeting:
Patrick Johnson, LFUCG Risk Management
-Introductions from all present
-Review the Safety Committee goals, mission statement, and objectives from risk management
-Mutual understanding that the Safety Committee will not hand down disciplinary actions, but will provide factual information to the supervisors of those involved if needed.
-Look to combine the LFUCG Safety Team sheet with the LFUCG Safety Committee, Goals, and objectives sheet that relates to this committee and Division of Fire
-The need for a “Safety Committee” group email was addressed. Need to contact Ty to set that up as soon as possible.
-Look into the IAFF/IAFC fitness standards and job performance evaluations standards. The need to introduce a program that measures a fitness level for all FD members.
-Check on the number of peer fitness certifications the department currently has and/or what the cost of continuing those certifications or re-certifications.
-YMCA memberships that is placed into our contract are not being used by everyone. The question was brought up, if the money that is left over from those not using their memberships, be used to purchase equipment related to fitness for the dept. Example: 500 employees X $420 for membership =$210,000 per year. Only 110 members are currently using the facility = $46,200 per year. Leaving $163,800 per year that was budgeted for fitness not being used. Where does that money go?
-Look into obtaining stats from LFUCG on monthly injuries and claims
-Contact the garage about common or trending maintenance issues with trucks dept wide. Common problems related to unsafe driving of the vehicle.
-Discuss vehicle accidents E08, E19, L02. Possible causes and preventions of similar accidents
-The agreement of adoption of National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's “Everyone Goes Home” program on safety
-Drivers training for the department. The need for further discussion on safe driving practice
-LFD “Near Miss Program” development. Design a program to provide members a way to anonymously report “near miss” incident. That information can be used by the committee to trend unsafe practices. Finding causes and root of the problem
-The need for a a Command Level Safety Class. Provide training for District Officers, Safety issues from a command role, and development of the Div. Of Fire Safety Officer FOG
-Start working toward the implementation of a “Chinstrap Policy”. Statistics show 88% of all head injuries in the fire service occur when a helmet has become dislodged from the head prior to injury.
-The need for training for company officers on how to properly inspect turnout gear.
-Become NFPA compliant with “all” gear.
-The Safety Committee needs a representative on the Truck Spec Committee to assist in safety implementation.
Meeting adjourned